Search REST API: Links

Instructions to use REST API Links service.



ParameterDescriptionData TypeMandatory
qThe query for the requestStringYes
langSet the language of the queryStringYes
mSet number of resultsIntegerYes
typeSet the type of links that you want to search byStringNo
portalSet the portalStringNo
scopeSet the scopeStringNo
userSet the userStringNo
sessionSet the sessionStringNo
jsonCallbackIt is used to request using JSONPStringNo

For information about the user and session parameters please review the Tagging REST API

NOTE : The values for the type parameter will be promoted (for Promoted Links), banner (for Promoted Banners) and direct (for Direct Links)

NOTE: The following code is just an example, do not copy and paste this for your use

idLink identifier (self generating value)
titleLink title. It may contain highlighted text (configured when the link is created in the dashboard)
subtitleLink subtitle (configured when the link is created in the dashboard)
portalLink portal (configured when the link is created in the dashboard)
scopeLink scope (configured when the link is created in the dashboard)
title_rawLink title without highlighted text
urlDestination url (configured when the link is created in the dashboard)
trackable_urlDestination url but using the tagging system to register the click
imagenameImage url (configured when the link is created in the dashboard)
    banner: [ 
        id: "546dd382e4b08960f81c1392",
        title: "Promoted Banner Test Link",
        subtitle: "",
        portal: "",
        scope: "",
        title_raw: "Promoted Banner Test Link",
        subtitle_raw: "",
        url: "",
        trackable_url: "TRACKABLE_TEST_LINK",
        imagename: "IMAGE_NAME"
    promoted: [
        id: "546dd382e4b08960f81c1395",
        title: "Promoted Test Link",
        subtitle: "",
        portal: "",
        scope: "",
        title_raw: "Promoted Test Link",
        subtitle_raw: "",
        url: "",
        trackable_url: "TRACKABLE_TEST_LINK",
        imagename: "IMAGE_NAME"
    direct: [
        id: "54a17583e4b08f7d3fcfd8a9",
        title: "Direct Test Link",
        subtitle: "",
        portal: "",
        scope: "",
        title_raw: "Direct Test Link",
        subtitle_raw: "",
        url: "",
        trackable_url: "TRACKABLE_TEST_LINK",
        imagename: "IMAGE_NAME"