Search REST API: Search Trends


Instructions to use REST API Search service.

Step-by-step guide

Service Name


Service URL


Input Parameters

ParameterDescriptionData TypeMandatory
langSet the language of the queryStringYes
startIt is used to paginate results from a queryIntegerYes
rowsIt is used to paginate results from a queryIntegerYes

Top Trends Faceting

It requires EB version 3.14+. Send us a request if you like to upgrade your EB instance.

Once the feature is activated, you don't need to specify any new parameter on the query. See below (section "Output - Results + topTrends") to check how the format of the response is.


There are different outputs depending of the search results.

TopTrends (empathize) (including categories for the most popular query)

By default, the service will return one json node for the topTrends (more popular queries and categories for the first one).

    topTrends: [ ]
    topTrends: [ 
            title: "<b>sams</b>ng",
            title_raw: "samsung",
            facets: [
                    facet: "rootCategories_facet"
                    values: [
                             value: "Mobile Phones",
                             count: 5,
                             filter: "{!tag=rootFilter}rootCategories_facet:Mobile Phones"
                             value: "Phone Accessories",
                             count: 3,
                             filter: "{!tag=rootFilter}rootCategories_facet:Phone Accessories"
            title: "<b>sams</b>ung galaxy",
            title_raw: "samsung galaxy"
            title: "tablet <b>sams</b>ung",
            title_raw: "tablet samsung"