Method description

Create a new equalize setting for the requested instance.

URI Parameters


Request Data

The POST request must include a single object with the new equalize data. See Play Service models for details. All non-optional fields must be included in the request.

  "title": "My Custom Config",
  "fields": [
    {"field": "title", "boost": 80},
    {"field": "description", "boost": 25}

Response format and codes

HTTP codeDescription
201Equalize setting has been created
400Invalid parameters. Error response will include details
401The user does not meet the security criteria


When an equalize setting is successfully created, the response will contain the equalize itself as it has been saved on the database.

Also, a Location header will point to the URL for the equalize that was just created.

  "id": 1461321668,
  "title": "My Custom Config",
  "enabled": false,
  "created_on": "2017-04-24T10:28:37",
  "updated_on": "2017-04-24T10:28:37",
  "fields": [
    {"field": "title", "boost": 80},
    {"field": "description", "boost": 25}