Method description

Update an existing link for this instance.


The calling user must have the EB_ROOT, EB_ADMIN, EB_APP, SEARCH_ADMIN or SEARCH_MANAGER role for this instance or the global instance.

Request Parameters


Request Data

The PUT request must include a single object with the updated link data. See Play Service models for details.

The request may include only the fields that are to be updated. 

To remove a field (and set the default) set it to null. It is an error to remove a required field or change the link type.

Images are to be updated using the /images endpoint.


Example to disable a link:

  "enabled": false

Response format and codes

HTTP codeDescription
201Link has been updated
400Invalid parameters. Error response will include details
401The user does not meet the security criteria
404Link not found


The response will contain the updated link data.

  "type": "DIRECT",
  "enabled": false,
  "title": "Link Title",
  "url": "",
  "keywords": ["one keyword", "another keyword"],
  "lang": "en"