Method description

Returns the top specific products for a specific query. The specific product weights are calculated based on user clicks, add-to-carts and purchases and the values are normalized using a linear function.

"topProducts" are sorted by "weight" in descending order.

HTTP method


URL schema


Path Parameters

Parameter nameRequiredDescription
client_id(tick)Client identifier on the system

URI Parameters

Parameter nameRequiredDescriptionDefault


Search term that user did
lang(tick)Language of the query
rows(error) Number of products to return



200 - successful request

Type: application/json

  {"value":"213115", weight:"3"},
  {"value":"213149", weight:"1.3"}
400 - mandatory query parameter is missing

Type: application/json

  "code": 400,
  "error": "XXX is mandatory"
404 - either client or endpoint don't exist

Type: application/json

  "code": 404,
  "error": "XXX not found"

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