Method description

Get a list of equalize settings for this instance. The list is paginated.

URI Parameters

Parameter NameRequiredDescription
enabled(error)Filter by enabled/disabled state
rows(tick)See: Empathy Play API - Pagination
offset(tick)See: Empathy Play API - Pagination

Response format and codes

HTTP codeDescription
200OK. Response follows
400Invalid parameters. Error response will include details
401The user does not meet the security criteria
404See: Empathy Play API - Pagination

  "num_found": 123,
  "results": [
      "id": 1461321668,
      "title": "Default",
      "enabled": true,
	  "created_on": "2017-04-04T13:40:02",
	  "updated_on": "2017-04-04T13:40:02",
      "fields": [
        {"field": "title", "boost": 50},
        {"field": "description", "boost": 20},
        {"field": "price", "boost": 10}