The following reports share some parameters in the request, alongside the other ones that are shared across all the API reports available. The following parameters listed in the table are those belonging just to the reports in the following section.

Input parameters (see common parameters)

Parameter nameTypeRequiredDescriptionDefault
offsetint(error)The number of results to omit (from the start of the result set) 0
rowsint(error)Number of results to return50
evolbool(error)Calculate the evolution of certain fields in the requestFalse
termsstr(tick)Query to search None

Input parameters (see common parameters)

offsetint(error)The number of results to omit (from the start of the result set)
rowsint(error)Number of results to return10
termsstr(tick)query to search

Input parameters (see common parameters)

offsetint(error)The number of results to omit (from the start of the result set)
rowsint(error)Number of results to return10
termsstr(tick)query to search

Input parameters (see common parameters)

offsetint(error)The number of results to omit (from the start of the result set)
rowsint(error)Number of results to return10
termsstr(tick)query to search