This reports returns, according to the specified list of Equalize config IDs (or all of them if none is specified) a given set of metrics such as query, click counters and so on, together with the 'config_id' field related to the active Equalize.

Report ID: ConfigCount

Input parameters (see common parameters)

Parameter name
config_idstr(error)Equalize config to filterNone

To filter more than one equalize add multiple config_id parameters to the request.


200 - successful information retrieve

Type: application/json
    "data": [
            "query_count": 174,
            "click_count": 20,
            "wishlist_count": 0,
            "add2cart_count": 0,
            "conversion_count": 0,
            "success_count": 17,
            "config_id": "5a1c829c12805b000d37c720"
            "query_count": 2,
            "click_count": 0,
            "wishlist_count": 0,
            "add2cart_count": 0,
            "conversion_count": 0,
            "success_count": 0,
            "config_id": "5a17024be757170010c29f96"
            "query_count": 137,
            "click_count": 3,
            "wishlist_count": 0,
            "add2cart_count": 0,
            "conversion_count": 13,
            "success_count": 2,
            "config_id": "5a0260957268f7000b4484f7"
            "query_count": 283,
            "click_count": 45,
            "wishlist_count": 0,
            "add2cart_count": 0,
            "conversion_count": 10,
            "success_count": 42,
            "config_id": "1432648511959"
    "params": {
        "site_id": "sample",
        "start_date": 1506816000000,
        "end_date": 1513468800000,
        "filters": [],
        "config_ids": []