
Instructions to send browse information using the Javascript Tagging Library.

Step-by-step guide

Browsing data can be sent to Empathy using the trackBrowseCategory function including the parameters detailed below. This function should be executed each time a product category page is loaded.

trackBrowseCategory( categoryid, results, page, options, callback)


ParameterDescriptionData TypeMandatory
categoryidThe ID of the Product Category Page loadedStringYes
resultsNumber of results displayed in the categoryIntegerYes
pageThe page numberIntegerYes
optionsObject that may contain information about filters and other data like session and userIDObjectNo*
callbackFunction that will be executed after sending dataFunctionNo

*This parameters are not mandatory for the service but necessary for the statistics


The options object should contains additional parameters not passed as parameters in function call:

	scope: SCOPE,
	section: SECTION,
	user: USER_ID,
	session: SESSION_ID

Data Type
langLanguage identifier (es, en...)StringNo
scopeScope identifier (desktop, mobile, android app, iOS app...)StringNo
sectionSection value if it is required for the projectStringNo
userUserID used for user based servicesString*No
sessionSessionID used for user based servicesStringNo

*UserID should be an UUID identifier.

NOTE: The values for scope and lang will be provided by the Empathy Team.

The callback function will receive an object with the following contents. Also params sent in options will be included:

	categoryId: categoryid,
    totalHits: results,
    page: page,
    scope: scope,
    referrer: document.referrer

Code samples

Normal Usage

Specifying a callback parameter
 * This example suppose that the provided scope is 'testscope' and the parameter to be included in the options parameter is the lang
 * parameter with value 'en' . UserID and SessionID are also included.

var options = {
	session: 'q1w2e3r4t5y6',
	scope: 'testscope',
	user: 'u1s2e3r',

empathyTAG.trackBrowseCategory('myCatID', 48, 1, options,function(responseData){
Without a callback (No functions will be executed after tracking the data)
 * This example suppose that the provided scope is 'testscope' and the parameter to be included in the options parameter is the lang
 * parameter with value 'en' . UserID and SessionID are also included.

var options = {
	session: 'q1w2e3r4t5y6',
	scope: 'testscope',
	user: 'u1s2e3r',

empathyTAG.trackBrowseCategory('myCatID', 48, 1, options);

Best practices

In most of the cases, you should implement one of these solutions to prevent receiving partial queries:

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