Why Site Search matters?

Search visits are the ones that offer the highest Conversion Rates and, what’s more, the best engagement with your site. Average session duration and page per session are significantly higher in search sessions than no-search sessions. This is why it’s so important to analyse what’s happening in these sessions for a more informed understanding of not just the data but what it reveals in terms of customer behaviour, trends and so on.

What KPIs should I focus on when generating a Search Report?

There are many different kinds of interactions that take place with your catalogue when users are searching, and of course, all of them are useful to record, monitor and track. As a beginning, when creating a search performance report, here are some very useful KPI’s to concentrate on:

EmpathyBroker STATS API collects all the information happening within your site’s search sessions to facilitate this kind of reporting which is not offered as standard in any analytics platform.

What resources are available to help you check search performance?

EmpathyBroker’s Dashboard allows you to check Volume of Queries, Findability and Add to Cart. It also provides meaningful insights regarding all queries whether they produce results or not. If you’re still not familiar with your dashboard metrics and the actionable insights provided within it you can request a training session simply by contacting us.

EmpathyInsights also provides you with downloadable reports and visualizations to check search status in real-time or show search performance by device. We will delve deeper into search metrics and visualisations in future communications. For now, remember that if you want to provide your customers with the very best experience, site search matters! You can also see some of our latest visualizations and the reasoning behind them here.