Method description

A simple login service method to check if the login and password credentials are valid. This should return an authorization matrix if the login is successful.

Request Data

	'email': '',
	'password': 'password'
emailstringfalseuser's email who wants to log in
passwordstringfalseuser password

Response format and codes

HTTP codedescription
200successful login
401invalid login credentials


On successful login, the service should return a response similar to this:

	'user_token': 'user_api_token',
	'auths': {
		'role1': ['instance_id', 'instance_id', 'instance_id'],
		'role2': ['instance_id', 'instance_id', 'instance_id'],
		'role3': ['instance_id', 'instance_id', 'instance_id']


On a failed login attempt the response is like the following example:

	'status': 'validation_error',
	'field_errors': {
		'field_name': 'validation error message',
		'field_name#2': 'validation error message'
	'global_errors': {
		'error_key': 'error message',
		'error_key#2': 'error message'


service namepurpose
MongoDBsimple database storage