Versions Compared


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The Google Tag Manager and Overlay integration lets you use Google Analytics from Google Tag Manager, instead of adding the Google Analytics code in the callbacks.

The workflow is:


Step-by-step guide

The general workflow is:

  1. Run the Overlay.
  2. When a user action (such as search, click or add to cart) is performed in the Overlay, the workflow will execute the associated action callback. This callback will run two tasks:
    • It adds Overlay data to the dataLayer. This lets Google Tag Manager access the data.
    • It triggers an event that lets Google Tag Manager run the action Google Analytics code.  

Google Tag Manager Setup (GTM) and Installation

Google Tag Manager needs a piece of code inside the body to work properly. At this point, let’s assume that it’s added, and we only need to add the code for the Overlay.

For detailed instructions about this, go to:


Step-by-step guide


Instructions for versions 1.2 and 1.3

Option 1: One Google Analytics Tag (Recommended)

This option uses different pieces of code for each event, one Google Analytics trigger, multiple Google Analytics variables, and one Google Analytics tag. The piece of code in the callbacks will be different for different data tracking. If you want to track different data, Google Tag Manager configuration will be the same, and each change must be done in the code.


  1. The first thing to do is initialize dataLayer variable. The piece of code that initializes the variable is:

    Code Block
    titleInitialize dataLayer
      dataLayer = [];

    This piece of code must be in all the pages that contain the search bar. There are two options:

    1. Add this code in the HTML head tag
    2. Add this code just before the Google Tag Manager code:

      Code Block
      titleBody option
          dataLayer = [];
        <!-- Google Tag Manager -->
        <!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

  2. The second thing to do is to add the Overlay code. If you have a previous Overlay code, you only have to modify the callbacks:

    Code Block
    titleOverlay Code
    <div<link idhref="eb-root" class="eb-root" data-ng-jq="jQueryEB">
    	<div data-ui-view></div>
        <script src="{VERSION}/css/eb.resources.css" type="text/css" />
    <script src="{VERSION}/js/eb.libs.js"></script>
         type="text/javascript" />
    <script src="jshttps://ebpreassets.resourcesempathybroker.js"></script>
    com/overlay/{VERSION}/js/eb.resources.js" type="text/javascript"/>
    		function clickCallback(data){
    			dataLayer.push({'eventCategory':'EmpathyOverlay', 'eventAction':'click',  'eventLabel':data.title, 'eventValue':1, 'event': 'gaEvent'});
    //The chosen keys and values can be different. The keys must have the same name in the code and in Google Tag Manager 
    		function searchCallback(data){
    			dataLayer.push({'eventCategory':'EmpathyOverlay', 'eventAction':'search',  'eventLabel':data.q, 'eventValue':1, 'event': 'gaEvent'});
    //The chosen keys and values can be different. The keys must have the same name in the code and in Google Tag Manager
    		function conversionCallback(data){
    			dataLayer.push({'eventCategory':'EmpathyOverlay', 'eventAction':'conversion',  'eventLabel':data.title, 'eventValue':1, 'event': 'gaEvent'});
    //The chosen keys and values can be different. The keys must have the same name in the code and in Google Tag Manager		
    EmpathyOverlay.config('YOUR_EB_SEARCH_URL', {
            	lang: 'en',
            	displayLang: 'en',
            	scope: 'default',
            	defaultCurrency: 'EUR',
    			customTrackSearch: searchCallback,
    			customTrackClick: clickCallback,
    			customTrackConversion: conversionCallback
    }, document.getElementById('eb-root'));

    The available data fields are:

    SearchlangThese are default data fields. Let us know
    ebSearchCallbackdata.qThe query typed by the user
    ebSearchCallbackdata.pagePage number for grabbing pagination data
    ebSearchCallbackdata.totalHitsNumber of results returned by the query
    data.scopeThe scope (desktop, mobile...)
    data.userIdUser id
    data.pageResult page
    data.scopeThe scope (desktop, mobile...)
    data.titleProduct title
    data.urlProduct url
    data.userIdUser id
    The same as Click
    titleDocument name/title
    These are default data fields. Let us know what data you want to receive in your custom function

  3. Go to Google Tag Manager to continue with the integration process. No more code changes are needed.
  4. In Google Tag Manager you have to add triggers. To do it:
    1. Go to Triggers
    2. Click on New
    3. Name: gaEvent
    4. Choose Event: Custom Event
    5. Fire On:
      1. Event name: gaEvent
    6. Create Trigger
  5. Then, you have to create variables for received data in each event. The variables will always be the same, and they must have the dataLayer key names (In this case: eventCategory, eventAction, eventLabel and eventValue). For each of those variables repeat this process:
    1. Go to Variables
    2. At the bottom of the page, in the User-Defined Variables section, click New
    3. Name: One of the dataLayer key names (eventCategory, eventAction, eventLabel and eventValue)
    4. Choose Type: Data Layer Variable
    5. Configure Variable:
      1. Data Layer Variable Name: Same name as the one in point c.
      2. Data Layer Version: Version 2
    6. Create Variable

  6. Finally, a Google Analytics tag must be created. To do it:
    1. Go to Tags
    2. Click on New
    3. Name: gaEvent
    4. Choose Product: Google Analytics
    5. Choose a Tag Type: Google Analytics option you are using
    6. Configure Tag:
      1. Tracking ID: Tracking ID de Google Analytics (UA-XXXXXXXX-X)

      2. Track Type: Event

      3. Category:  {{eventCategory}} //Variable created on point 5

      4. Action: {{eventAction}} //Variable created on point 5

      5. Label: {{eventLabel}} //Variable created on point 5

      6. Value: {{eventValue}} //Variable created on point 5

    7. Fire On: More > Choose from existing Triggers: gaEvent

    8. Create Tag

Option 2: Different Google Analytics Tags

This option uses different pieces of code for each event, different Google Analytics events and different Google Analytics tags. The piece of code in the callbacks will always be the same. If you want to change the data for Google Analytics tracking, each change must be done from Google Tag Manager.


  1. The first thing to do is initialize dataLayer variable. The piece of code that initializes the variable is:

    Code Block
    titleInitialize dataLayer
      dataLayer = [];

    This piece of code must be in all the pages that contain the search bar. There are two options:

    1. Add this code in the HTML head tag
    2. Add this code just before the Google Tag Manager code:

      Code Block
      titleBody option
          dataLayer = [];
        <!-- Google Tag Manager -->
        <!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

  2. The second thing to do is to add the Overlay code. If you have a previous Overlay code, you only have to modify the callbacks:

    Code Block
    titleOverlay Code
    <div id="eb-root" class="eb-root" data-ng-jq="jQueryEB"> 	<div data-ui-view></div> </div>     <script src="js/eb.libs.js"></script>
        <script src="js/eb.resources.js"></script>
    		function clickCallback(data){
    			dataLayer.push({'data': data});
                dataLayer.push({'event': 'ebClickCallback'});
    		function searchCallback(data){
    			dataLayer.push({'data': data});
                dataLayer.push({'event': 'ebSearchCallback'});
    		function conversionCallback(data){
    			dataLayer.push({'data': data});
                dataLayer.push({'event': 'ebConversionCallback'});
    		EmpathyOverlay.config('YOUR_EB_SEARCH_URL', {
            	lang: 'en',
            	displayLang: 'en',
            	scope: 'default',
            	defaultCurrency: 'EUR',
    			customTrackSearch: searchCallback,
    			customTrackClick: clickCallback,
    			customTrackConversion: conversionCallback
          	}, document.getElementById('eb-root'))});

  3. Go to Google Tag Manager to continue with the integration process. No more code changes are needed.
  4. In Google Tag Manager you have to add triggers. The next process has to be done for each event:
    1. Go to Triggers
    2. Click on New
    3. Name: Event Name (ebClickCallback, ebSearchCallback or ebConversionCallback)
    4. Choose Event: Custom Event
    5. Fire On:
      1. Event name: The same name of c step.
    6. Create Trigger

    The events are:

    ebSearchCallbackCallback for search
    ebClickCallbackCallback for clicks
    ebConversionCallbackCallback for add to cart

  5. Then, you have to create variables for received data in each event. The next process has to be done for each data:
    1. Go to Variables
    2. At the bottom of the page, in the User-Defined Variables section, click New
    3. Name: It should identify the data it represents. For example: Product Name
    4. Choose Type: Data Layer Variable
    5. Configure Variable:
      1. Data Layer Variable Name: One of the Data column values of available data table.
      2. Data Layer Version: Version 2
    6. Create Variable

    The available data fields are:

    ebSearchCallbackdata.qThe query typed by the user
    data.pagePage number for grabbing pagination data
    data.totalHitsNumber of results returned by the query
    data.scopeThe scope (desktop, mobile...)
    data.userIdUser id
    data.pageResult page
    data.scopeThe scope (desktop, mobile...)
    data.titleProduct title
    data.urlProduct url
    data.userIdUser id
    The same as Click
    ebSearchCallbackdata.pagePage number for grabbing pagination data
    ebSearchCallbackdata.totalHitsNumber of results returned by the query
    ebClickCallbackdata.titleDocument name/title
    These are default data fields. Let us know what data you want to receive in your custom function

  6. Finally, Google Analytics tags must be created. These tags depends on the chosen Google Analytics metrics, so the next process describes a general example to track a product click:
    1. Go to Tags
    2. Click on New
    3. Name: GA Overlay Product Click
    4. Choose Product: Google Analytics
    5. Choose a Tag Type: Google Analytics option you are using
    6. Configure Tag:
      1. Tracking ID: Tracking ID de Google Analytics (UA-XXXXXXXX-X)

      2. Track Type: Event

      3. Category: Overlay

      4. Action: {{Event}}

      5. Label: {{Product Name}} (Variable created in Variables section. It represents the product name)

      6. Value: Empty

    7. Fire On: More > Choose from existing Triggers: ebClickCallback

    8. Create Tag

    9. With this tag, when a user clicks in a product, an event in Google Analytics is created with these values:

      1. Event Category: Overlay

      2. Event Action: ebClickCallback

      3. Event Label: Clicked products' name


Step-by-step guide

Instructions for version 1.1

Option 1: One Google Analytics Tag (Recommended)

This option uses different pieces of code for each event, one Google Analytics trigger, multiple Google Analytics variables, and one Google Analytics tag. The piece of code in the callbacks will be different for different data tracking. If you want to track different data, Google Tag Manager configuration will be the same, and each change must be done in the code.


  1. The first thing to do is initialize dataLayer variable. The piece of code that initializes the variable is:

    Code Block
    titleInitialize dataLayer
      dataLayer = [];

    This piece of code must be in all the pages that contain the search bar. There are two options:

    1. Add this code in the HTML head tag
    2. Add this code just before the Google Tag Manager code:

      Code Block
      titleBody option
          dataLayer = [];
        <!-- Google Tag Manager -->
        <!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

  2. The second thing to do is to add the Overlay code. If you have a previous Overlay code, you only have to modify the callbacks:

    Code Block
    titleOverlay Code
    <link href="{VERSION}/css/eb.resources.css" type="text/css" /><div id="eb-root" class="eb-root" data-ng-jq="jQueryEB">
    	<div data-ui-view></div>
        <script src="{VERSION}/js/eb.libs.js" type="text/javascript" />></script>
        <script src="{VERSION}/js/eb.resources.js" type="text/javascript"/>
    		function clickCallback(data){
    			dataLayer.push({'eventCategory':'EmpathyOverlay', 'eventAction':'click',  'eventLabel':data.title, 'eventValue':1, 'event': 'gaEvent'});
    //The chosen keys and values can be different. The keys must have the same name in the code and in Google Tag Manager 
    		function searchCallback(data){
    			dataLayer.push({'eventCategory':'EmpathyOverlay', 'eventAction':'search',  'eventLabel':data.q, 'eventValue':1, 'event': 'gaEvent'});
    //The chosen keys and values can be different. The keys must have the same name in the code and in Google Tag Manager
    		function conversionCallback(data){
    			dataLayer.push({'eventCategory':'EmpathyOverlay', 'eventAction':'conversion',  'eventLabel':data.title, 'eventValue':1, 'event': 'gaEvent'});
    //The chosen keys and values can be different. The keys must have the same name in the code and in Google Tag Manager		
    EmpathyOverlay.config('YOUR_EB_SEARCH_URL', {
            	lang: 'en',
            	displayLang: 'en',
            	scope: 'default',
            	defaultCurrency: 'EUR',
    			customTrackSearch: searchCallback,
    			customTrackClick: clickCallback,
    			customTrackConversion: conversionCallback
    }, document.getElementById('eb-root'));

    The available data fields are:

    EventDataDescriptionebSearchCallbackdata.qThe query typed by the userebSearchCallbackdata.pagePage number for grabbing pagination dataebSearchCallbackdata.totalHitsNumber of results returned by the queryebClickCallbackdata.titleDocument name/title

    The available data fields are:

    data.qThe query typed by the user
    data.pagePage number for grabbing pagination data
    data.totalHitsNumber of results returned by the query
    data.scopeThe scope (desktop, mobile...)
    data.userIdUser id
    data.pageResult page
    data.scopeThe scope (desktop, mobile...)
    data.titleProduct title
    data.urlProduct url
    data.userIdUser id
    The same as Click
    These are default data fields. Let us know what data you want to receive in your custom function

  3. Go to Google Tag Manager to continue with the integration process. No more code changes are needed.
  4. In Google Tag Manager you have to add triggers. To do it:
    1. Go to Triggers
    2. Click on New
    3. Name: gaEvent
    4. Choose Event: Custom Event
    5. Fire On:
      1. Event name: gaEvent
    6. Create Trigger
  5. Then, you have to create variables for received data in each event. The variables will always be the same, and they must have the dataLayer key names (In this case: eventCategory, eventAction, eventLabel and eventValue). For each of those variables repeat this process:
    1. Go to Variables
    2. At the bottom of the page, in the User-Defined Variables section, click New
    3. Name: One of the dataLayer key names (eventCategory, eventAction, eventLabel and eventValue)
    4. Choose Type: Data Layer Variable
    5. Configure Variable:
      1. Data Layer Variable Name: Same name as the one in point c.
      2. Data Layer Version: Version 2
    6. Create Variable

  6. Finally, a Google Analytics tag must be created. To do it:
    1. Go to Tags
    2. Click on New
    3. Name: gaEvent
    4. Choose Product: Google Analytics
    5. Choose a Tag Type: Google Analytics option you are using
    6. Configure Tag:
      1. Tracking ID: Tracking ID de Google Analytics (UA-XXXXXXXX-X)

      2. Track Type: Event

      3. Category:  {{eventCategory}} //Variable created on point 5

      4. Action: {{eventAction}} //Variable created on point 5

      5. Label: {{eventLabel}} //Variable created on point 5

      6. Value: {{eventValue}} //Variable created on point 5

    7. Fire On: More > Choose from existing Triggers: gaEvent

    8. Create Tag

Option 2: Different Google Analytics Tags

This option uses different pieces of code for each event, different Google Analytics events and different Google Analytics tags. The piece of code in the callbacks will always be the same. If you want to change the data for Google Analytics tracking, each change must be done from Google Tag Manager.


  1. The first thing to do is initialize dataLayer variable. The piece of code that initializes the variable is:

    Code Block
    titleInitialize dataLayer
      dataLayer = [];

    This piece of code must be in all the pages that contain the search bar. There are two options:

    1. Add this code in the HTML head tag
    2. Add this code just before the Google Tag Manager code:

      Code Block
      titleBody option
          dataLayer = [];
        <!-- Google Tag Manager -->
        <!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

  2. The second thing to do is to add the Overlay code. If you have a previous Overlay code, you only have to modify the callbacks:

    Code Block
    titleOverlay Code
    <div id="eb-root" class="eb-root" data-ng-jq="jQueryEB">
    	<div data-ui-view></div>
        <script src="js/eb.libs.js"></script>
        <script src="js/eb.resources.js"></script>
    		function clickCallback(data){
    			dataLayer.push({'data': data});
                dataLayer.push({'event': 'ebClickCallback'});
    		function searchCallback(data){
    			dataLayer.push({'data': data});
                dataLayer.push({'event': 'ebSearchCallback'});
    		function conversionCallback(data){
    			dataLayer.push({'data': data});
                dataLayer.push({'event': 'ebConversionCallback'});
    		EmpathyOverlay.config('YOUR_EB_SEARCH_URL', {
            	lang: 'en',
            	displayLang: 'en',
            	scope: 'default',
            	defaultCurrency: 'EUR',
    			customTrackSearch: searchCallback,
    			customTrackClick: clickCallback,
    			customTrackConversion: conversionCallback
          	}  	}, document.getElementById('eb-root'));

  3. Go to Google Tag Manager to continue with the integration process. No more code changes are needed.
  4. In Google Tag Manager you have to add triggers. The next process has to be done for each event:
    1. Go to Triggers
    2. Click on New
    3. Name: Event Name (ebClickCallback, ebSearchCallback or ebConversionCallback)
    4. Choose Event: Custom Event
    5. Fire On:
      1. Event name: The same name of c step.
    6. Create Trigger

    The events are:

    ebSearchCallbackCallback for search
    ebClickCallbackCallback for clicks
    ebConversionCallbackCallback for add to cart

  5. Then, you have to create variables for received data in each event. The next process has to be done for each data:
    1. Go to Variables
    2. At the bottom of the page, in the User-Defined Variables section, click New
    3. Name: It should identify the data it represents. For example: Product Name
    4. Choose Type: Data Layer Variable
    5. Configure Variable:
      1. Data Layer Variable Name: One of the Data column values of available data table.
      2. Data Layer Version: Version 2
    6. Create Variable

    The available data fields are:


    Document name/title
    data.qThe query typed by the user
    data.pagePage number for grabbing pagination data
    data.totalHitsNumber of results returned by the query
    data.scopeThe scope (desktop, mobile...)
    data.userIdUser id
    data.pageResult page
    data.qThe query typed by the user
    ebSearchCallbackdata.pagePage number for grabbing pagination data
    ebSearchCallbackdata.totalHitsNumber of results returned by the query
    data.scopeThe scope (desktop, mobile...)
    data.titleProduct title
    data.urlProduct url
    data.userIdUser id
    The same as Click
    These are default data fields. Let us know what data you want to receive in your custom function

  6. Finally, Google Analytics tags must be created. These tags depends on the chosen Google Analytics metrics, so the next process describes a general example to track a product click:
    1. Go to Tags
    2. Click on New
    3. Name: GA Overlay Product Click
    4. Choose Product: Google Analytics
    5. Choose a Tag Type: Google Analytics option you are using
    6. Configure Tag:
      1. Tracking ID: Tracking ID de Google Analytics (UA-XXXXXXXX-X)

      2. Track Type: Event

      3. Category: Overlay

      4. Action: {{Event}}

      5. Label: {{Product Name}} (Variable created in Variables section. It represents the product name)

      6. Value: Empty

    7. Fire On: More > Choose from existing Triggers: ebClickCallback

    8. Create Tag

    9. With this tag, when a user clicks in a product, an event in Google Analytics is created with these values:

      1. Event Category: Overlay

      2. Event Action: ebClickCallback

      3. Event Label: Clicked products' name

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "empathy-overlay" and type = "page" and space = "EBKB"
