Versions Compared


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Method description

Returns the top product attributes and the top specific products for a specific query. Both the attributes and specific products weights are calculated based on user clicks, add-to-carts and purchases and the values are normalized using a linear function.

With segmentation can sent segmentation can send a user attributes list ("key":"value", ...) and number of tries in the request and the API try to return a segment data using this user attributes. If not have results for this user attributes in this number of tries it return the basic query context.


No Format
/v2/querycontext/all/{client_id}?query={query}&lang={lang}&attributes.rows={attributes.rows}&products.rows={products.rows}&userAttributes={userAttributes={"attribute1":"value1", "attribute2":"value2"}&maxTries=5}&maxTries={maxTries}&events.min={eventsMin}

URL example

No Format

Path Parameters

Parameter nameRequiredDescription
client_id(tick)Client identifier on the system

URI Parameters

Parameter nameRequiredDescriptionDefault


Search term that user did-
lang(tick)Language of the query-
attributes.rows (error) Number of values of each field1
products.rows (error) Number of products to return5



Minimum number of events required to return a field or product.

client configuration / 10
userAttributes (error) User attributes to get segmentation data-
maxTries(error) Max tries to do segmentation intentsclient configuration / 3


200 - successful request
