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This page contains a guide to integrate conversions on product page.Add to Cart on product page.

Step-by-step guide

Add to Cart on Product Page for version 1.4

Tracking the Add to Cart event is crucial to determine the performance of an instance and take business decisions based on data.

There are two situations where the Add to Cart should be attributed to the Search:

  • Add to Cart button in the Search Results Page (SRP): this is fully handled by the Overlay.

  • Add to Cart button in the Product Details Page (PDP): the Overlay only tracks an Add to Cart event if the user has clicked on the product in the SRP in the last 60 seconds (60 seconds is the default time and can be modified). In order to get this to work, you will need to provide some additional information to the Overlay: the selector of your Add to Cart button (ebConfig.domA2CTrigger). This way the Overlay will know how to handle this event.

Note: We used to have a separate library to perform this task (EmpathyTAG), but it made the integration process more complex, so we decided to include this behavior into this Overlay version.

Add to Cart on Product Page for versions 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3

Note: Add to Cart used to be named Conversion in the Overlay, so most documentation for older versions will still be referencing this name.

The workflow is:


  1. Run the Overlay
  2. When a click is done in the Overlay, it adds the needed information to the local storage, and a hash to the url to know that there is something in the local storage that must be read.
  3. When the product page is loaded, a piece of code that reads this information is executed. This snippet also adds onClick event to the Add to Cart button. This event executes a function that does two different things:
    1. EmpathyBroker Tracking: It sends information to Empathy BrokerEmpathyBroker, so this conversion will be available from EmpathyBroker statistics.
    2. TrackConversionCallback: When the EmpathyBroker Tracking is executed, it executes another callback with custom code that lets you add the Google Analytics Tracking.


    1. .


Step-by-step guide


Conversion on Product Page for v1.1, v1.2 and v1.3

Overlay Initialization

If you have the Overlay initialization piece of code, you have to modify it to tell it that it has to execute product page tracking steps, using the parameter "conversionOnProduct":

Code Block
titleOverlay Code
		  function clickCallback(data) {
    // GA Code

		  function searchCallback(data) {
    // GA Code

		  EmpathyOverlay.config('YOUR_EB_SEARCH_URL', {
    	lang: 'en',
        	displayLang: 'en',
     	scope: 'default',
        	defaultCurrency: 'EUR',
    customTrackSearch: searchCallback,
    customTrackClick: clickCallback,
			conversionOnProduct: true   conversionOnProduct: true
  	}, document.getElementById('eb-root'));

Add Library

First of all, you have to know that this process uses EmpathyTag library, so this library must be included inside your product page code before using the API. This piece of code should be inserted at the bottom of the page.

STAGING environment resources import
Code Block
titleSTAGING environment resources import
<script src="https://URL_EMPATHYBROKER/js/api/empathyutils.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="https://URL_EMPATHYBROKER/js/api/empathytag.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


Code Block
titleSTAGING environment minified resources import
<script src="https://URL_EMPATHYBROKER/js/empathy.resources.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
LIVE environment resources import
Code Block
titleLIVE environment resources import
<script src="{EB_INSTANCE_NAME}/js/api/empathyutils.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="{EB_INSTANCE_NAME}/js/api/empathytag.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


For more information, read the following wiki:

Add Snippet

To make all the process work, you have to add a snippet at the bottom of your product page code, just after the resources import. This snippet executes the following steps:


Note: This snippet is using Javascript, but It can be modified to use a library like jQuery.

trackConversionCallback Available Data

The available fields in "data" are:


Search termsdata.terms
Product Namedata.title

For more data contact us.

overlayProduct Default Available Data

The available fields in "overlayProduct" are:



For more data contact us.

Google Tag Manager

If you want to use Google Analytics with Google Tag Manager, you have to follow the steps for the chosen option (See Google Tag Manager Detailed Instructions), and do a few things more into the product page. The steps you have to follow for this page are:


Finally, you have to modify the "trackConversionCallback" of the product page for the chosen option.

Option 1: One Google Analytics Tag (Recommended)

The trackConversionCallback for this option should be something like this:

Code Block
titleOption 1: One Google Analytics Tag (Recommended)
function trackConversionCallback(data) {
    dataLayer.push({'eventCategory':'EmpathyOverlay', 'eventAction':'conversionOnProductPage',  'eventLabel':data.title, 'eventValue':1, 'event': 'gaEvent'});
	//The chosen keys and values can be different. The keys must have the same name in the code and in Google Tag Manager      
Option 2: Different Google Analytics Tags

The trackConversionCallback for this option should be something like this:

Code Block
titleOption 2: Different Google Analytics Tags
function trackConversionCallback(data) {
    dataLayer.push({'data': data});
    dataLayer.push({'event': 'ebConversionCallback'});      

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "empathy-overlay" and type = "page" and space = "EBKB"
